Decarbonising electricity today
for a cleaner tomorrow
Descarbonizando la energía eléctrica hoy
para un mañana más limpio
Decarbonising electricity today
for a cleaner tomorrow
Decarbonising electricity today
for a cleaner tomorrow
Strom dekarbonisieren
für eine Zukunft mit sauberer Energie
We specialise in the planning and development of large-scale solar farms and energy storage systems, combining the best locations, technology and partners for the realisation of high quality projects.
Nos especializamos en la planificación y desarrollo de parques solares y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía a gran escala, combinando las mejores ubicaciones, tecnología y socios para la realización de proyectos de alta calidad.
We specialise in the planning and development of large-scale solar farms and energy storage systems, combining the best locations, technology and partners for the realisation of high quality projects.
We specialise in the planning and development of large-scale solar farms and energy storage systems, combining the best locations, technology and partners for the realisation of high quality projects.
Wir sind auf die Planung und Entwicklung von großen Solarparks und Energiespeichersystemen spezialisiert und kombinieren die besten Standorte, Technologien und Partner für die Realisierung qualitativ hochwertiger Projekte.
Who we are
Luminous Energy is dedicated to delivering top-tier renewable energy projects that contribute to the decarbonisation of electricity supply, addressing climate change challenges. The company is resolute in providing affordable and renewable energy solutions, demonstrated through its portfolio of high-quality projects.
Set up in the UK over 12 years ago, Luminous has developed over 1GW of projects globally and enjoyed 100% planning success across 20 projects. This includes the 202 MWp Columboola Solar Farm in Queensland which achieved full commercial operations in 2023.
We’re here for a purpose – delivering world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise our electricity and limit humanity’s contribution to climate chaos. Luminous was set up with the belief that solar technology provides a simple, scalable and reliable solution for generating a significant proportion of the world’s energy needs.
Value we bring
Luminous Energy has developed some of the world’s most iconic renewable energy projects in the UK and Australia. The experience and expertise built up in both these countries is being utilised to build our presence in the US, and over the next few years will help us enter other new markets.
Fundada en 2013, Luminous Energy prontamente se estableció como un desarrollador solar líder en el Reino Unido. Actualmente tenemos numerosos parques solares en desarrollo, en construcción u operando en cuatro continentes.
Estamos aquí con un propósito: entregar proyectos de almacenamiento de energía y energía solar de clase mundial para descarbonizar nuestra electricidad y limitar la contribución de la humanidad al cambio climático. Nuestra empresa se creó con la creencia de que la tecnología solar proporciona una solución simple, escalable y confiable para generar una proporción significativa de las necesidades energéticas del planeta.
Hemos desarrollado algunos de los proyectos de energía renovable más emblemáticos del mundo. Nuestra experiencia haciendo esto en cuatro continentes demuestra nuestra capacidad para entregar proyectos complejos en mercados desafiantes.
Who we are
Luminous Energy is dedicated to delivering top-tier renewable energy projects that contribute to the decarbonisation of electricity supply, addressing climate change challenges. The company is resolute in providing affordable and renewable energy solutions, demonstrated through its portfolio of high-quality projects.
Set up over 12 years ago, Luminous has developed over 1GW of projects globally and enjoyed 100% planning success across 20 projects. This includes the 202 MWp Columboola Solar Farm in Australia which achieved full commercial operation in 2023.
We’re here for a purpose – delivering world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise our electricity and limit humanity’s contribution to climate chaos. Luminous Energy was set up with the belief that solar technology provides a simple, scalable and reliable solution for generating a significant proportion of the world’s energy needs.
Value we bring
Luminous Energy has developed some of the world’s most iconic renewable energy projects in the UK and Australia. The experience and expertise built up in the UK is being utilised to build our presence in the US and Chile, and over the next few years will help us enter other new markets.
Who we are
Luminous Energy is dedicated to delivering top-tier renewable energy projects that contribute to the decarbonisation of electricity supply, addressing climate change challenges. The company is resolute in providing affordable and renewable energy solutions, demonstrated through its portfolio of high-quality projects.
Set up over 12 years ago, Luminous has developed over 1GW of projects globally and enjoyed 100% planning success across 20 projects. This includes the 202 MWp Columboola Solar Farm in Australia which achieved full commercial operation in 2023.
We’re here for a purpose – delivering world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise our electricity and limit humanity’s contribution to climate chaos. Luminous Energy was set up with the belief that solar technology provides a simple, scalable and reliable solution for generating a significant proportion of the world’s energy needs.
Value we bring
Luminous Energy has developed some of the world’s most iconic renewable energy projects in the UK and Australia. The experience and expertise built up in the UK is being utilised to build our presence in the US, and over the next few years will help us enter other new markets.
Über uns
Luminous Energy hat sich der Bereitstellung erneuerbarer Energien mithilfe erstklassiger Anlagen verschrieben. Wir möchten dadurch helfen, die Energieversorgung zu dekarbonisieren und die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels besser zu bewältigen.
Es ist unser oberstes Ziel, erschwingliche und erneuerbare Energielösungen bereitzustellen. Dies spiegelt auch unser Portfolio erstrangiger Projekte wider.
Luminous wurde vor 12 Jahren gegründet. Das Unternehmen hat weltweit Energieprojekte in einer Größenordnung von über 1 GW fertiggestellt. Unsere 20 Projekte haben wir zu 100 Prozent erfolgreich umgesetzt.
Zu unseren Erfolgsgeschichten gehört etwa die Columboola Solar Farm in Australien. Die Anlage stellt 202 MWp bereit und erreichte 2023 den vollen kommerziellen Betrieb.
Unsere mission
Unser Antrieb ist es, erstklassige Lösungen zur Bereitstellung und Speicherung von Sonnenenergie umzusetzen – mit dem Ziel, die Stromversorgung zu dekarbonisieren und den menschlichen Einfluss auf den Klimawandel einzudämmen.
Die Gründer von Luminous Energy sind fest davon überzeugt, dass Photovoltaik eine einfache, skalierbare und zuverlässige Lösung darstellt, um einen großen Teil des weltweiten Energiebedarfs abzudecken.
Der mehrwert
Luminous Energy hat im Vereinigten Königreich und Australien einige der weltweit bekanntesten Projekte zur Bereitstellung erneuerbarer Energien umgesetzt.
Unsere Erfahrungen und unser Fachwissen aus den Projekten im Vereinten Königreich nutzen wir, um unsere Präsenz in den USA zu verstärken – und in den nächsten Jahren weitere neue Märkte zu erschließen.
Seit August sind wir in Deutschland, einem der derzeit spannensten Strom-Märkte in Europa.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Luminous Energy is committed to enhancing society as well as the environment.
In 2013, Luminous embarked on a mission to pioneer world-class renewable energy projects, aiming to spearhead the transition to decarbonising electricity and mitigate humanity’s impact on climate change.
But Luminous’ responsibility extends beyond the development and construction of solar farms, which is why the company supports Young People’s Trust for the Environment. By engaging with school children, Luminous can help educate and inspire the next generation about renewable energy.
In addition to educational initiatives with YPTE, Luminous is keen to ensure that projects have a tangible impact on local communities. Through each community benefit fund, Luminous provides support to residents around each solar farm development, aligning with our core values of sustainability and social responsibility.
Columboola Solar Farm
Located in Queensland, Australia. A 400 hectare, 200MWdc site which generates enough electricity to power 6% of Queensland homes.
Ubicado en Queensland, Australia. Terreno de 404,68 hectáreas, 200MW, en funcionamiento, genera suficiente electricidad como para alimentar.
Columboola Solar Farm
Located in Queensland, Australia. A 1,000-acre, 200MW site which generates enough electricity to power 6% of Queensland homes.
Columboola Solar Farm
Projektstandort in Queensland, Australien. Das 200-MW-Kraftwerk mit einer Fläche von 400 Hektar erzeugt genug Strom, um 6 % der Haushalte in Queensland zu versorgen.
Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies
Where we've worked
Where we've worked
Unsere einsatzorte
Type: Solar Farm
Status: In development
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 3.4MWp
Status: Operational
Type: Energy Storage
Size: 1,750MWh
Status: Awaiting Construction
Type: Solar
Size: 9MW
Status: Awaiting construction
Type: Solar
Size: 9MW
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 203MWp
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 350MW
Status: In development
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 100MWp
Status: In Development
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 9.2MWp
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 4.3MW
Status: Operational
Type: Energy Storage
Size: 150MW
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 10.4MWp
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 5MWp
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm and Energy Storage
Size: 35MWp with 27MW/30MWh lithium-ion battery
Status: Operational
Type: Solar Farm
Size: 6MW
Status: Operational