Luminous Energy delivers high quality renewable energy projects, with risk adjusted returns. The company has over 12 years of development success with 100% approval rate across 20 projects.

Group Management Team


Group Management Team

Group Management Team

Die Geschäftsleitung

The Luminous Energy team, with experience in the development of large scale solar and storage projects across four continents, is committed to making a positive contribution to the world by providing practical solutions to climate change. The company’s mission, to deliver world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise electricity, remains at heart of the business.

A través de su experiencia en cuatro continentes, Luminous Energy ha adquirido una gran experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos solares y de almacenamiento de energía a gran escala. Estamos comprometidos a utilizar este conocimiento para llevar los beneficios de la energía solar a más personas en todo el mundo.

The Luminous Energy team, with experience in the development of large scale solar and storage projects across four continents, is committed to making a positive contribution to the world by providing practical solutions to climate change. The company’s mission, to deliver world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise electricity, remains at heart of the business.

The Luminous Energy team, with experience in the development of large scale solar and storage projects across four continents, is committed to making a positive contribution to the world by providing practical solutions to climate change. The company’s mission, to deliver world-class solar and energy storage projects to decarbonise electricity, remains at heart of the business.

Luminous Energy hat einen breiten Erfahrungshorizont, was die Branche, die finanziellen Voraussetzungen und das Knowhow im Bereich erneuerbarer Energien betrifft.
Dieses Fachwissen wollen wir gezielt nutzen, damit noch mehr Menschen weltweit in den Genuss dieser nachhaltigen Energiequellen kommen.

Jolyon Orchard

Chief Executive Officer

David Bryson

Chief Operating Officer

Guy Lavarack

Chief Investment Officer

Andrew McAleavey

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Crosbie Dawson

Non-Executive Director

Paul Chivers

Non-Executive Director

Country Managers

Country Managers

Country Managers

Country Managers

Country Managers

Each Country Manager has knowledge and expertise in their own market but has the additional advantage of being able to draw on the experience of the wider Luminous Energy team.

Kieren Boesenberg


Tao Kong


Heiko Siemann


Peter Justin O’Brien

Pennsylvania Solar

Commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance​

Luminous Energy’s mission is to decarbonise electricity to deliver affordable, renewable energy solutions to people worldwide, as well as foster a sustainable future for the planet. But the team recognises the impact our business has on the environment.

To read about our values, core purpose and how Luminous Energy is contributing to social wellbeing, environmental health, please click here.