Solar Farm

One of Luminous Energy's Operational Solar Farms

Luminous Energy is proposing to develop a solar farm on land near Almondsbury, Bristol

The solar farm is located on land southwest of Almondsbury, with a capacity of 49.9 MWac. It would generate an estimated 70,725 MWh within the first year of operation; the equivalent of powering 18,616 homes in the UK, per year.

The site has been selected based on considerations such as grid availability, solar irradiance, existing site landscape and heritage, access and agricultural quality.

An important part of this proposed site is the biodiversity and landscape enhancements which will result in an overall Biodiversity Net Gain.

In addition, a community benefit fund will be set up and paid each year the solar farm is in operation.

Wetland bird surveys are being done every month from September 2024 until February 2025. Once these surveys are completed a report will be submitted to South Gloucestershire Council; after which it is expected that the planning application will be considered by the Development Management Committee in March 2025.

Updates about the proposal will be available here.


It would assist in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with local and national targets.


We will also encourage involvement from local primary school aged children to decorate bird and bat boxes and create “insect hotels”


No public rights of way would be closed during or after construction of the solar farm.

Hedgerow planting may be required to contain and screen the solar arrays from surrounding properties.

The proposed solar farm would not rely on any government subsidies


A community benefit fund would be agreed prior to construction


A range of ecological enhancements are being considered as part of the application. On principle, Luminous Energy is keen to minimise habitat loss including hedgerows, trees and ditches. There will be added wild flowers which will help give a net positive impact on the Biodiversity Net Gain.



November 2023
Public Consultation Event


December 2023
Planning Application Submitted


Early 2025
Planning Application Determined


Late 2025
Commencement of Construction