Columboola Solar Farm
Queensland Australia

Queensland Australia

Columboola Solar Farm
Queensland Australia

Columboola Solar Farm
Queensland Australia

Columboola Solar Farm
Queensland Australia

In August 2020 Luminous Energy announced it had secured a Power Purchase Agreement with CS Energy, a Queensland Government-owned energy business. The ten-year PPA with CS Energy is for 100% of the site’s output, 450GWh each year, and is one of Australia’s most substantial renewable energy contracts.

En agosto de 2020, Luminous Energy anunció que había obtenido un acuerdo de compra de energía (PPA) con CS Energy, una empresa de energía propiedad del gobierno de Queensland. El PPA de diez años con CS Energy es por el 100% de la producción del parque (450 GWh cada año) y es uno de los contratos de energía renovable más importantes de Australia.

In August 2020 Luminous Energy announced it had secured a Power Purchase Agreement with CS Energy, a Queensland Government-owned energy business. The ten-year PPA with CS Energy is for 100% of the site’s output, 450GWh each year, and is one of Australia’s most substantial renewable energy contracts.

In August 2020 Luminous Energy announced it had secured a Power Purchase Agreement with CS Energy, a Queensland Government-owned energy business. The ten-year PPA with CS Energy is for 100% of the site’s output, 450GWh each year, and is one of Australia’s most substantial renewable energy contracts.

In August 2020 Luminous Energy announced it had secured a Power Purchase Agreement with CS Energy, a Queensland Government-owned energy business. The ten-year PPA with CS Energy is for 100% of the site’s output, 450GWh each year, and is one of Australia’s most substantial renewable energy contracts.

Concurrently it announced the completion of the sale of 100% shares of the 203MWdc (162MWac) solar farm to Hana Financial Investment (Samchully Asset Management as the fund manager), a leading Korean investor. The project was developed with PwC and supports Queensland’s target of 50% renewable energy generation by 2030.

The solar farm is near Miles in Queensland’s Western Downs and powers the equivalent of 100,000 homes or approximately 6% of all homes in the state. The project supplies clean and affordable energy to Queenslanders, including a group of universities – Griffith University, Central Queensland University and Queensland University of Technology – that are all CS Energy customers.

Al mismo tiempo, Luminous Energy anunció la finalización de la venta del 100% de las acciones del parque solar de 203 MWdc (162MWac) a Hana Financial Investment (Samchully Asset Management como administrador del fondo), un importante inversor coreano. El proyecto se desarrolló con PwC y apoyará el objetivo de Queensland de generar un 50% de energía renovable para 2030.

El parque solar se construirá cerca de Miles en los Western Downs de Queensland y alimentará el equivalente a 100.000 hogares o aproximadamente el 6% de todos los hogares del estado. El proyecto proporcionará energía limpia y asequible a los habitantes de Queensland, incluido un grupo de universidades: la Universidad Griffith, la Universidad Central de Queensland y la Universidad Tecnológica de Queensland, que son todas clientes de CS Energy.

Concurrently it announced the completion of the sale of 100% shares of the 203MWdc (162MWac) solar farm to Hana Financial Investment (Samchully Asset Management as the fund manager), a leading Korean investor. The project was developed with PwC and supports Queensland’s target of 50% renewable energy generation by 2030.

The solar farm is near Miles in Queensland’s Western Downs and powers the equivalent of 100,000 homes or approximately 6% of all homes in the state. The project supplies clean and affordable energy to Queenslanders, including a group of universities – Griffith University, Central Queensland University and Queensland University of Technology – that are all CS Energy customers.

Concurrently it announced the completion of the sale of 100% shares of the 203MWdc (162MWac) solar farm to Hana Financial Investment (Samchully Asset Management as the fund manager), a leading Korean investor. The project was developed with PwC and supports Queensland’s target of 50% renewable energy generation by 2030.

The solar farm is near Miles in Queensland’s Western Downs and powers the equivalent of 100,000 homes or approximately 6% of all homes in the state. The project supplies clean and affordable energy to Queenslanders, including a group of universities – Griffith University, Central Queensland University and Queensland University of Technology – that are all CS Energy customers.

Concurrently it announced the completion of the sale of 100% shares of the 203MWdc (162MWac) solar farm to Hana Financial Investment (Samchully Asset Management as the fund manager), a leading Korean investor. The project was developed with PwC and supports Queensland’s target of 50% renewable energy generation by 2030.

The solar farm is near Miles in Queensland’s Western Downs and powers the equivalent of 100,000 homes or approximately 6% of all homes in the state. The project supplies clean and affordable energy to Queenslanders, including a group of universities – Griffith University, Central Queensland University and Queensland University of Technology – that are all CS Energy customers.

Luminous Energy carefully designed the 1,000-acre Columboola site to have a minimal impact on the surrounding environment, respecting the Indigenous cultural heritage of the site and natural features of the landscape, such as water courses and remnant vegetation.

The project demonstrates how the latest solar technology innovations – such as high power bifacial panels and single axis trackers that follow the sun – can significantly increase energy generation when compared to traditional designs. The optimisation of energy generation through these technologies, coupled with the strategic location of the site with an excellent solar resource and resilient grid connection, enabled the project to achieve a low levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and secure a sought after PPA.

The project created many new green jobs, supporting a call to generate one million clean energy jobs in Australia as part of the green recovery from COVID-19. Construction of the site was carried out by contractor Sterling and Wilson in a $240 million deal and was completed at the end of 2022.

Luminous Energy diseñó cuidadosamente el sitio Columboola de 400 hectáreas para tener un impacto mínimo en el medio ambiente circundante, respetando el patrimonio cultural indígena del sitio y las características naturales del paisaje, como cursos de agua y vegetación remanente.

El proyecto demuestra cómo las últimas innovaciones en tecnología solar, como los paneles bifaciales de alta potencia y los seguidores de un solo eje que siguen al sol, pueden aumentar significativamente la generación de energía en comparación con los diseños tradicionales. La optimización de la generación de energía a través de estas tecnologías, junto con la ubicación estratégica del sitio con un excelente recurso solar y una conexión a la red resiliente, permitió al proyecto lograr un bajo costo nivelado de energía (LCOE) y asegurar un PPA.

El proyecto creará hasta 400 nuevos empleos verdes, respaldando un llamado reciente para generar un millón de empleos de energía limpia en Australia como parte de la recuperación verde de COVID-19. La construcción del sitio comenzará en agosto y será realizada por el contratista Sterling and Wilson en un trato de $ 240 millones de dólares. Está previsto que esté terminado a finales del próximo año.

Luminous Energy carefully designed the 1,000-acre Columboola site to have a minimal impact on the surrounding environment, respecting the Indigenous cultural heritage of the site and natural features of the landscape, such as water courses and remnant vegetation.

The project demonstrates how the latest solar technology innovations – such as high power bifacial panels and single axis trackers that follow the sun – can significantly increase energy generation when compared to traditional designs. The optimisation of energy generation through these technologies, coupled with the strategic location of the site with an excellent solar resource and resilient grid connection, enabled the project to achieve a low levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and secure a sought after PPA.

The project created many new green jobs, supporting a call to generate one million clean energy jobs in Australia as part of the green recovery from COVID-19. Construction of the site was carried out by contractor Sterling and Wilson in a $240 million deal and was completed at the end of 2022.

Luminous Energy carefully designed the 1,000-acre Columboola site to have a minimal impact on the surrounding environment, respecting the Indigenous cultural heritage of the site and natural features of the landscape, such as water courses and remnant vegetation.

The project demonstrates how the latest solar technology innovations – such as high power bifacial panels and single axis trackers that follow the sun – can significantly increase energy generation when compared to traditional designs. The optimisation of energy generation through these technologies, coupled with the strategic location of the site with an excellent solar resource and resilient grid connection, enabled the project to achieve a low levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and secure a sought after PPA.

The project created many new green jobs, supporting a call to generate one million clean energy jobs in Australia as part of the green recovery from COVID-19. Construction of the site was carried out by contractor Sterling and Wilson in a $240 million deal and was completed at the end of 2022.

Luminous Energy carefully designed the 1,000-acre Columboola site to have a minimal impact on the surrounding environment, respecting the Indigenous cultural heritage of the site and natural features of the landscape, such as water courses and remnant vegetation.

The project demonstrates how the latest solar technology innovations – such as high power bifacial panels and single axis trackers that follow the sun – can significantly increase energy generation when compared to traditional designs. The optimisation of energy generation through these technologies, coupled with the strategic location of the site with an excellent solar resource and resilient grid connection, enabled the project to achieve a low levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and secure a sought after PPA.

The project created many new green jobs, supporting a call to generate one million clean energy jobs in Australia as part of the green recovery from COVID-19. Construction of the site was carried out by contractor Sterling and Wilson in a $240 million deal and was completed at the end of 2022.