Frequently asked questions about solar farms

Do the solar panels work when the sun isn’t shining?

Yes. Solar panels do not require direct sunlight to operate and are efficient in overcast conditions. However, they do generate more electricity on sunny days.

How long does it take to build a solar farm?

A solar farm usually takes 10 months to construct.

What is the visual impact of a solar farms?

Due to the scale of solar farms, one of their major impacts is unquestionably visual and much depends on the area as to the overall impact. Solar arrays are relatively low at approximately 2.5 metres high, so hedgerows around the margins of a solar farm can restrict views significantly. In places where existing hedges are insufficient, additional vegetation is usually planted to help bulk these up and close gaps.

What is the ‘carbon payback period’ for a solar farm?

Solar Energy UK advised the carbon payback of a solar farm is 1-4 years; this includes the estimated supply chain emissions. Thereafter, the electricity generated by the solar farm is close to being zero carbon, there are minor emissions by vehicles visiting the site for maintenance, embodied emissions for equipment replacement, decommissioning activities etc. There is a useful briefing document by Solar Energy UK, called Everything Under the Sun, available here.

Is there an increased flood risk?

Flood risk does not usually increase with the installation of solar farms. Typically, a maximum of 2% of the site is penetrated during the construction process, and gaps between each solar panel avoids run off being concentrated along the lower edge of the arrays once they are in situ. Precautionary measures may still be taken, such as creating swales to intercept surface water runoff and using temporary track- ways to avoid soil compaction during construction.

Do solar farms damage the land?

A solar farm does very little damage to the land as sufficient sunlight and rainfall can get between the panels to maintain the plant life. The water runoff from the panels does not affect the natural drainage patterns. The lack of intense farming and associated chemicals will have a beneficial impact on the land; a solar farm allows the soil to rest and regenerate.

Do solar farms increase traffic to the neighbourhood?

During the short construction phase, there is an increase in the number of vehicles delivering materials to the site. We work closely with the local Highways Authority to prevent damage and minimise disruption. Once built, the solar farm will need very little maintenance with only quarterly visits necessary.

Do solar farms result in the loss of agricultural land?

Solar developments are not allowed on land classified as ‘best and most versatile’ (BMV). It is only permitted on land that is graded lower quality and considered as acceptable to remove from agricultural production. A distinct benefit of solar developments is that they provide an opportunity for an uplift in soil quality and therefore provide the potential for future agricultural activities.

What is the impact on food security?

A common concern around the development of solar farms is a perceived loss of land for food production. The government recently released a report on the state of soil in the UK, finding degrading soil quality is a real threat to UK food security. Some key findings were:

  • Soil biodiversity and the many biological processes and soil functions that it supports are thought to be under threat
  • Intensive agriculture has caused arable soils to lose around 40 to 60% of their organic carbon
  • Reversing soil degradation and restoring fertility by 2023 is an aim of the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan
  • Research from Solar Energy UK in May 2022, showed that solar farms can help reverse Britain’s declining wildlife through animal habitat enhancements, providing previously arable land with a break from intensive cultivation and ultimately boosting biodiversity, soil health and regeneration
What affect do solar farms have on biodiversity?

Luminous Energy is committed to improving the land and as much as possible, retains trees, hedgerows, ditches etc. in addition, gaps in hedgerows are filled in; extra trees are planted where required, and sometimes wildflower areas are sown, all of which improve the biodiversity of the area.

Each site has an ecology report which includes information about biodiversity. The biodiversity net gain is a standard calculation method and is done by an independent environmental consultancy.

There are various studies on how solar farms can benefit wildlife including habitats for plants, pollinators, birds and small mammals, including one by Keele University in the UK. Here’s an interesting article from The Conversation. Read about the benefits of solar farms here.

Why aren’t rooftops and brownfield sites used instead of agricultural land?

Roof tops and brownfield sites are regularly suggested as alternatives to siting solar projects on agricultural land. However, each has their own complexities. Rooftop solar for example, has inefficiencies compared to utility-scale solar remain e.g. when they are surrounded by other buildings in urban areas leaving panels in shade; the roof pitch is often not the optimal angle for capturing solar irradiance, and finally, the roofs must be south facing.

Brownfield sites involves site clearance and remediation which increases costs and extends construction timelines which makes site un-investable.

Do solar farms reflect sunlight and create glare?

Solar panels are designed to absorb as much light as possible and not to reflect it, however sometimes glint can be produced as a direct reflection of the sun from the surface of the solar PV panel, and glare can occur as a source of bright light. Glint and glare need to be managed, this is done by carrying out assessments at the site and designing sites so any impact is low.

What noise is there on a solar farm?

Solar farms generate some low-level electrical noise from the inverter and switch gear during daylight hours, but these are located as centrally as possible to ensure they are not audible from beyond the site boundary.

How are the panels fixed to the ground?

The supporting posts are driven into the ground up to 1.5m deep. When the site is decommissioned, the vertical supports are removed. Avoiding the need for a concrete base platform reduces the removal costs at the end of the system life, as well as the carbon footprint of the mounting system.

Where does the electricity go?

The electricity generated at the solar farm is fed into the local electricity network and used wherever there is demand.

What is the impact of a solar farm on property prices?

There is no evidence that solar farms affect property prices either positively or negatively.

In a 2022 survey from the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, 81% of respondents say they would very happy, fairly happy or would not mind having a solar farm built in their local area. With the appropriate screening provided, the visual impact of a solar farm is negligible; they operate quietly and safely; they provide energy security for the local area, and they foster flora and fauna.